Pacific Northwest Dreamy Proposal

Cameron is a new transplant to the Pacific Northwest.  He moved here from sunny southern California to go to grad school.  His fiancé Ashleigh is also a SoCal native.  When Cameron and I consulted about photographing his proposal to Ashleigh, I warned him about the Pacific Northwest’s moody spring weather.  All Cameron knew was SoCal proposals – golden hour light that somehow incorporated the ocean.  I told him, “If sunshine is a priority, don’t propose in Oregon in the spring.” We made a list of iconic Pacific Northwest locations: Mt. Hood, Silver Falls, the Oregon coast, the Gorge… discussed the pros and cons of each location. Basically everything required hiking and some rugged terrain but how do you get your girlfriend to do that decked out in dinner clothes?  And not raise her suspicions?  AND work around the weather?!?!  In the end, Cameron decided to gamble with the weather and propose to his Love in their new home.  It was a beautiful nod to the direction God is taking them.

He chose a rugged, remote location in the Columbia River Gorge and came up with an elaborate – but somehow believable – story to get Ashleigh dressed up and to this spot.  Our plan was for me to be a tourist in the “parking lot” and hike behind them inconspicuously, then hide and take photos while he proposed.  But there was no “parking lot” – just an indent in the side of a gravel road with three other cars.  AND… it was raining… not a downpour, but the typical Oregon misty drizzle.  Thankfully Cameron and I shared our locations for the day so I was able to be standing outside my car prepping for my “hike” when they drove up.  We did the casual tourist nod and I waited for them to begin their walk to the viewpoint so I could follow behind after they turned the corner.

I was the only other “tourist” so I made sure I stumbled onto their viewpoint area by accident, ignored them, and made a show of taking scenery photos and panoramic videos with my phone.  I left the viewpoint then snuck back and hid in the bushes and was able to capture Cameron’s dreamy proposal. He thought of everything, including buying a clear umbrella for Ashleigh to hold.  I have a ton of favorite images from this session, but one of my favorites is the moment she realizes why he’s digging in his pocket… their dreams both coming true in that moment.

the moment she realizes…

And of course the iconic proposal…

the ask…

After Ashleigh said “YES!” we shot their engagement photos. Everything about the night was magical.  The rain picked up and they danced in the meadow. Clouds rolled up against the mountains creating a stunning backdrop for an already beautiful couple. It was so very Pacific Northwest and so romantic.  Congratulations Cameron and Ashleigh.  Your love for each other is so evident and I’m honored to have been able to capture this night for you.  May God bless your love and your marriage.

oh and by the way… there’s our photographer

#jodistilpphotography #proposalphotography #engagementphotography #pacificnorthwestisbest

Comments (6)

  1. Judy Turpen

    Not only are the photos beautiful but the story about the engagement plans made it even more special. Great job Jodi ♥️

  2. Phyllis Browne

    So happy for you and them! You’re living your best life honey! So love seeing all of the magic that you help to create!


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