Newberg High School Soccer Seniors: Class of 2020

My daughter Katie plays soccer for Newberg High School.  This year they had nine seniors on the varsity squad.  At the end of the school year, we did a Cap and Gown photo session to celebrate their accomplishments.  Not all nine seniors could attend the photo session, but we had fun with the ones that were able to make it. These ladies are not just great athletes, they are also wicked smart.  Out of nine seniors, THREE of them were Valedictorians.  Many of them earned Honors diplomas, were members of the National Honor Society and earned cords for finishing four years of a foreign language.  All are headed to college in the fall. It was my joy and privilege to celebrate these girls and their massive accomplishments. Atta kids!

#jodistilpphotography #capandgown #graduationphotos #soccer #soccergirls #classof2020 #newbergnation

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