Winemaker Dave and A New Car

It’s hard to believe we’ve only known the Specter’s for a few years because our lives have become so intertwined.  Our son works for them, tending their vines, pulling weeds, and any other Man Work that Winemaker Dave has for him.  Grant loves the Shirt Optional dress code, sweating in the sun vs. an easier job indoors, and the flexible schedule that bends around his rigid water polo schedule.  He also loves that Dave teaches him the science behind growing grapes that make good wine.  It gives Grant a sense of ownership in the final product and he often refers to wines that Dave makes as “our” wine. Our daughters babysit Naomi on occasion, and have even spent a few hours pulling weeds in the vineyard alongside Grant.  We bought Sara’s grandpa’s car to give to Katie for her 16th birthday, so I get a fun reminder of their family every time I wave as Katie drives off. Sara and I compare notes on what’s going on in town, with the water polo team, and how swim team is going for Naomi. I take their pictures and buy their wine.  It’s a good life and a comfortable friendship, one I’m thankful for.  Thank you Specter’s for another year of family photos.  May God bless you in the upcoming year. Cheers.

#jodistilpphotography #familyportraits #oregonwinecountry #vineyardphotos #bellsupwinery #friendship

Comments (1)

  1. Sara Specter

    And Winemaker Dave appreciates that you take these pictures in 20 minutes or less. Like ordering a pizza for delivery. Since he hates getting photos taken. 🙂 MWAH! Love you! Sara
