Katie… BSN
Our daughter Katie graduated summa cum laude from Biola University with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and a minor in Theology. She walked with a perfect 4.00 GPA in a rigorous nursing program, in spite of working part-time her entire college career. She also volunteered extensively with Young Life, played club lacrosse for Biola, participated in Mock Rock, and has been running a minimum of a mile every single day for the past 985 days!!!! Her three year run streak anniversary is on September 3rd. Katie loves Jesus fully and wholeheartedly. His love spills out of her all over the people around her. Katie is hard-working, wise, kind, funny, direct, and wicked smart. She inspires me every day.

We prayed God would bring friends into her life who sharpen and shape her and God has exponentially answered this prayer. For the last two years she’s lived in a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with seven other girls and the community and friendships they have built have life-long roots. We were able to celebrate the “Greenworth Girls” at their home the weekend of graduation. It was such a special time of honoring the Lord and these friendships and celebrating our girls and their accomplishments. The girls had a student photographer take group shots of them that capture their friendship and their joy. I’m including them here as well.

Congratulations Katie! I can’t wait to see how you continue to unfold and grow in your career as an RN. God is using you and you will be such a light to your patients and their families. I love you and am insanely proud of you.

#jodistilpphotography #classof2024 #biolauniversity #collegegraduation #collegegraduationphotos
Congrats Katie!! We are so proud of you and how you have relied on the lord to lead, guide and empower you throughout your college journey. What’s up ahead for you? Our prayers will support and surround you💞🙏 awe love you, Aunt Jacque and Uncle Jeff
Love you both! Thank you for all your love and support over the years.