Kayla is graduating with high honors from Lewis Clark State College as a nurse and we had to celebrate her massive accomplishment with a college graduate photo session. Â We shot Kayla’s session on her family farm while she was home for break. Â The weather forecast was SUN but as I was driving to her farm on the mountain a spring storm rolled in and it DUMPED buckets of rain. Â I was drenched just opening the gate to their property. Â We huddled in the foyer of her home scratching our heads about the unexpected change of plans. Â Who wants to reschedule and get ready again when you already look perfect? Â She looked at me and said, “It’s letting up. Â Let’s go for it. Â Maybe we’ll get some epic rain shots.” Â Ya’ll know I love anyone with a sense of adventure, so that’s exactly what we did. Â The rain stopped long enough for us to trudge all through their back pasture to get photos at the Bench Tree, with her champion goats, her muddy barn boots, and with the flowering trees. Â We even got our epic rain shots because the rain did come back for another guest appearance. Â I love that we got so many fun photos in tiny window of time. Â CONGRATULATIONS Kayla.
#jodistilpphotography #collegegraduation #graduationphotos #springstormphotos
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