the Hawney’s
Teachers: Unappreciated. Underpaid. Influencers. World Changers. A gift from God. We all can tell stories with specific details of how a teacher or a coach impacted our lives. Jessica Hawney is one of the greatest teachers we’ve met. Jessica SEES greatness in kids. She SEES past their imperfections, past their road blocks, past their resistance to WHO they actually are – and then she calls out all that is GOOD in those kids. Instead of “bossy” she calls a student “helpful.” When they screw up they aren’t “in trouble” – it’s an “opportunity to learn.” She laughs freely, gets over irritation quickly, and makes everything fun. Her classroom environment was everything our daughter needed in pivotal phase of her development. God used her in our daughter’s life in a profound and beautiful way. I am forever grateful.
It was an honor to photograph Jessica and her beautiful family on a gorgeous, hazy early fall day. THANK YOU Jess for all that you have done for our family. We’re just one of hundreds of families that you have impacted in our community. May God continue to bless you and give you all that you need for each day. #1fan
#jodistilpphotography #familyportraits #teachersarethebest #fallportraits
Beautiful 😍