Another Year with the Nanson’s
The Nanson’s hired me my first year in business when I was still offering student pricing and basically learning how to take portraits on paying customers.  Thankfully they came back the next year. And the next year.  This year makes EIGHT years that I have photographed their family. We’re all very comfortable around each other and secure in the expectations for the session.  One of their family members does not like family portraits  One LOVES it.  The other three are pretty neutral about the whole process.  My job is to work as quickly and efficiently as possible so everyone can be done in the shortest amount of time. This year we literally had a 15 minute window between torrential downpours to get their photos done and I love how they turned out.  Well done Nanson Family!  We did it.
#jodistilpphotography #familyportraits #fallportraits
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