You Are My Sunshine
Heather and her kiddos were so excited for their family photo session.  We had a gorgeous, sunny fall day for their session, and then… it started raining hard right as their session started. When there is hand-curled hair involved, you don’t do rainy portraits.  What a bummer. We opted to switch to a location with covered spaces instead of rescheduling and drove through an intense rain storm to the new spot. Miraculously, it stopped raining just as we arrived.  The sun came out and the golden leaves added even more of a sunshine-y feel to their love-soaked session.  Heather made a slide show of the finished images and chose the song You Are My Sunshine as the background music.  A perfect choice for our session and for the love between this momma and her kiddos.  May God bless you and  your sweet crew.
#jodistilpphotography #familyportraits #sunshine
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