Katie: Pure Joy
Katie is my favorite senior of 2020. Â Duh. Â She’s my daughter. Â Isn’t she lovely? Â We broke her senior portraits into three sessions: a mini-session in the middle of a hike, a full session the following night once we worked out our kinks, and a sports-themed mini session with her best friend Morgan. It’s crazy to me that we are on this Launching Journey again so quickly. Katie laughs loud and freely. Â She has a funny, dramatic flair normally reserved for the privacy of our home, but on rare occasions she allows glimpses of it to sneak out to the general public. Â Katie is kind and compassionate, articulate, and a visionary who thrives with a big picture and a clear plan to accomplish the goal.
A member of the National Honor Society, Katie is wicked smart and fully committed to her goal of maintaining an unweighted cumulative 4.00 GPA. AP Chemistry was her biggest challenge so far, but a shiny A on her transcript has kept the dream alive. Â If she can survive her senior year with all A’s, she will graduate as one of her class valedictorian with an honors diploma. Â Way to go Katie!
Katie plays soccer and lacrosse and will finish her high school career as an 8 sport athlete. It has been fun to watch her grow in skill and confidence in each of her sports. Â Katie has shown steady improvement in soccer each year, but loves lacrosse and has earned a varsity letter every year she has played. Â When she’s not at school or working out, you’ll find Katie making coffee at Sip City, volunteering in the baby and toddler room at church, hanging with her friends, loving on her dogs, or chilling at home.
Katie loves Jesus.  This summer she volunteered three weeks to serve in the dining room at Creekside, a middle school camp sponsored by YoungLife.  It was hard work and long hours, with no cell phones, internet or social media.  The word she used to describe how she felt when she was at camp?  “Thriving.”  Those three weeks transformed our girl. Something shifted in her time away. Katie’s working knowledge of who Jesus is and why he matters in her story moved from her head to her heart. Katie’s name means “pure joy” and she has lived into the meaning of her name from the day she was born, but now, more than ever, she exudes a pervasive sense of peace, joy and confidence. It is the  coolest experience to watch your child grasp hold of their identity and come into their own in confidence and purpose.
Katie plans to study nursing and has already been accepted “with honors” at one of the four schools she has applied to. Â We are stoked to cheer her on through her senior year and see just exactly where God leads her. Â Well done Katie Girl. Â We are so proud of you and will always be your Super Fans. I love you.
#jodistilpphotography #classof2020 #seniorportraits #tellyourstory #newberghighschool #innewbergasitisinheaven
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