Bells Up
Meet the Specter Family: Dave, Sara, Naomi and Cupcake, the non-winery dog.  They own Bells Up Winery in the beautiful foothills of Newberg.  They are down to earth, fun, hard working, witty, and make incredible wine.  My son works for Dave during the summer and on the occasional weekend when he doesn’t have water polo, swimming or golf.  The Specter’s journey to becoming wine makers and vineyard owners is really special. Read more about them and their wine on their website. We did their photo session as the sun was rising over the vineyard and it was spectacular.  Thank you Dave and Sara for bringing your love of good wine and your love for life to Newberg.  I’m so glad our paths crossed.
#jodistilpphotography #bellsupwinery #bellsupmoment #familyportraits #vineyard #tellyourstory
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