Snow in the Valley
It’s a rare winter that the Willamette Valley gets enough snow that it accumulates enough to cover the grass and cold enough that it sticks around for a few days.  This winter the valley got blasted by five separate storms over the course of a couple of weeks.  The result?  We got snow that stuck for days, beautiful sunshine, blue skies, and actually cold temperatures.  It was so fun (at least for this former Midwesterner) to get a break from the gray rain.
Lily has always wanted professional portraits taken in the snow so it was a major blessing when the last snow storm came two days before her senior session. We got a little cold, but it was so worth it.  She ended up with unique and personal senior portraits.  And can you believe her gorgeous blue eyes?
Thanks for a fun day Lily.  I pray you have an awesome remainder of your senior year.
#tellyourstory #seniorportraits #classof2017 #newberghighschool #newbergnation #wintersunshine #snow
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