Winter Sunshine
Photographing my friends is one of my favorite perks of my job. I was so excited when the Zielsdorf’s hired me to take their family photos, but the weather was uncooperative.  It rained and rained in the first part of the week, then got really cold and snowed – a rare occasion in the Willamette Valley.  The morning of the session was thick fog and scattered rain showers.  It was moody and gloomy so we decided to reschedule.  And then – out of nowhere – the sun appeared.  Warm, inviting and so rare lately.  We rushed down to the golf course and squeezed the session in between storms.  We got that beautiful winter sunshine for about 25 minutes.  It slowly faded behind cloud cover as we wrapped things up, and wet, cold raindrops started falling the instant we got back to our cars.  Thank you God for that little break in the weather.  Merry Christmas Zielsdorf’s.  I hope you have an awesome 2017.
#winter #wintersunshine #familyportraits #jodistilpphotography #familyportraits #familyoffour
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