Travis Family
The Travis Family won their photo session at a fundraiser for Visible Grace, a non profit organization whose mission is to “help children break the chains of poverty by caring for them physically, mentally and spiritually. We do this by providing education and a safe, loving home for them. We have a wonderful staff of people who care for the kids and the property.”  What an honor to partner with the Travis Family to support Visible Grace.
Their one year old son is in that phase of awe and wonder of the big wide world around him.  He did not want to be confined because there was a brand new world to explore.  It was fun to see our surroundings through his eyes.  Their pre-school aged daughter was everything darling, sweet and cute.  She posed for me and came up with photo ideas, including gathering and throwing leaves. The kids’ Grandma came along to join in some of the photos too.  Thank you Travis Family for a fun afternoon. May God bless you and Visible Grace.
#familyportraits #fall #toddlers #preschoolers #visiblegrace
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